Living in the RV is super comfy. I have my bed and I am also allowed on one of the couches that has my blanket on it. It’s nice living in the trailer, but since we have moved here, we have only had a few walks with both Mum and Dad. Mum works weekends and Dad works during the week, so we sometimes walk on the Confederation Trail behind our home at Jellystone Park PEI. The nice part of it is, I almost always have someone home with me.
Mum was telling us that she wanted us to see how many lighthouses we could see in one day. We would get up early and go. I wanted to come along too. I like lighthouses because the air around them is the freshest I have ever smelled. Mum told me to keep track of the day so I could share it with you. So here is how the day went.
7:30am I don’t like to get up before 8am. I am laying in bed and Mum is saying, “Bellsy, get up, it’s time to go on an adventure!” I sigh and hesitate to move, but I still get up.
7:40am We all exit the RV for a quick walk as a family before coming back for breakfast. I eat my usual lamb and rice breakfast and sneak a peek to see if Paris Frances has left behind any of her cat food that I could sneakily eat later. Mum then gets out a special pink bandana for me to wear.
8am We are off! We all packed into the black car and set off. Mum and Dad would open the windows at stop signs so I could get some fresh air.
8:20am We go to Summerside first and see three lighthouses there. I went for a quick walk on the boardwalk while dad took pictures of the lighthouses. He didn’t take any pictures of me which I thought was odd.
8:45am Dad kind of got upset because we couldn’t find one of the lighthouses. I took a short nap and had dreams about playing ball.
9am West Point Lighthouse! I got to play on the beach because it is still off season and no one was there. Mum and Dad brought my ball. I got all wet and had my picture taken – finally.

I played in the water at the West Point Lighthouse
10am I am breathing the freshest air I think I have breathed. We are at North Cape, looking at the North Cape Lighthouse. Mum went in and got me a ribbon. It means I when I visit the Eastern part of PEI I get my Tip-to-Tip certificate. Mum and Dad got their Tip-to-Tip certificates in 2010 and said it was necessary for me to get mine.
11:30am Mum and Dad stopped in Tignish. They got Clubhouse sandwiches at Shirley’s. Mum shared some of her chicken salad with me.
3:30pm I think I may have lost track of a bunch of the lighthouses I have visited. I keep falling asleep while continually dreaming of playing ball.
4:30pm We stopped at Thundercove to look for another lighthouse. I was scared because I don’t like thunder, but there actually wasn’t any thunder which is nice. Mum and I had a nice walk along the beach again allowing me to sniff clam shells.

Tired on the beach at Thundercove
6:30pm Mum and Dad stopped at a store and got me some canned dog food for a snack. It was yummy but I was upset that they didn’t share any of their ice cream with me. What the heck? I’m shocked my beautiful eyes didn’t get me any.
7:00pm I’m tired, but Dad says we have more lighthouses to see. Mum was saying we should maybe go home and go to bed but Dad insists the last lighthouse will be spectacular.
7:30pm We are in Borden-Carleton, there are three lighthouses. I get out and wander around the park. It’s been a really fun day but I’m starting to think about getting home and seeing if there’s any leftover cat food.
7:50pm Dad says that because we still have daylight that we should drive to the Seacow Head Lighthouse. We got there and there was no one around. Mum took my picture, and I ran around by the ocean. Mum, Dad and I sat on the cliffs overhanging the sea. I was being silly and rolling around in the grass. Dad had to grab my collar because I nearly rolled off! Dad said we can go home now.
I’m so tiny beside this big lighthouse
8:00pm I got back in the car for our ride home. I visited 27 lighthouses today and I got to spend the entire day with my Mum and Dad. Mum says we are going again in a couple of weeks to the East end of the Island. I can’t wait for another adventure and to get my Tip To Tip Certificate.
8:20pm We arrived back home and I limped my way out of the car while hoping for that leftover cat food. As I enter the trailer, I sneak into the back room while Mum and Dad change. Bah! No cat food. Paris Frances must have eaten it all. It also smells like she was drinking the water from my dish again. Sigh. Bedtime.
Awww sounds like Bella had a rad day – and that’s a crazy amount of lighthouses!
Hi Hannah, Bella is quite possibly one the most spoiled dogs on the planet. But she totally deserves it because she is the best dog ever. It WAS a crazy amount of lighthouses and we had a LOT of fun! Have a great night and thank you so much for reading our adventures.